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INCI Name: Betaine Salicylate

Trade Name:DropCare® BS

CAS No.: 17671-53-3

Function:Acne Care or Oil Control

DropCare® BS(Betaine salicylate
) acts on the cells lining the hair follicles, helping to remove blocked hair follicles and repair abnormal cell shedding.This new molecule combines the functions of salicylic acid and trimethylglycine, giving the final product mild exfoliating and antibacterial properties, as well as strong moisturizing and anti-irritant properties, making it an ideal ingredient for both retention and rinse products.
Betaine salicylate prevents pore clogs and is most effective for blackheads by reducing abnormal shedding of cells in the hair follicle walls and preventing the formation of new lesions.

Application:Dailymoisturizingproducts,acnecare products,men'soilcontrolproducts,scalpcareproducts,etc.


Solubility: 2%suspension(slightlysolubleinwater)pH=2.52


Storage: Store in cool place. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.

Shelf life: 2 years.

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Drop(Nanjing)Bio-Tech Co., Ltd.

Little by little, make the future. We are a professional personal skin care supplier of total solution and functional ingredients.